speakers for classical music

Would like to hear from classical music listeners as to best floorstanders for that genre. B&W 803's sound good but want to get input with regard to other possibilities.
Compromise nothing, timbre, dynamics, etc. Nothing! Accept a speaker as ultimate for ANY genre of music if it has less than spectacular results in every parameter? No way!

The best speaker for classical is the best speaker for rock is the best for Jazz, etc.

In other words, I want the best no matter what I play. I don't want a speaker that only performs well with one kind of music or media.

A Better speaker for me better be better across the board. I'll not take exceptions to this rule.

Everything sounds better on a superior speaker - Chamber, orchestral, solo instrument, voice, everything!

And you know you have a winner when virtually nothing sounds bad, even music that sounded poor on other speakers with the same source, cables, etc has a lesser degree of "poorness"!

Atmasphere's comment in this regard is dead on.
for the person recommending vienna acoustics - what electronics work well for those speakers (mahlers and something smaller)- both amp and preamp? And in general what are people who listen to classical music using to drive their speakers? Tastes run from symphony (mahler beethoven) through instrumental and chamber.
Its true that really good speakers, when matched properly to the rest of the system, will sound good with all genres of music and types of recordings.

Classical, particularly large orchestral arrangements, and some would say piano, is generally one of the harder genres for a speaker to deliver fully. I've found Big Band music to be perhaps the hardest genre of all for speakers to really deliver fully.
No one mentioned Sonus Faber. I found that they were very holographic compared to the VA Haydns and seemed to do better with less power. IMHO