Verity Audio Parsifal vs. Aerial 10T

I've been hunting for speakers for a few months, now. Houston, TX is a wasteland for high-end audio of any kind so auditions can't usually be had. I was considering Aerial 10Ts from the very good posts on them but have reconsidered because of the fact they are getting a bit long-in-the-tooth in terms of manufacture date and looks.

My search brings up Verity Parsifals as a clear competitor to the Aerial 10T. Can anyone offer information as to how these two compare and differ?

I currently have a pair of Totem Mani-2s run by SimAudio W-6 monoblocks that I love. Sound may be 'slightly' more forward and not enough bass for me. Mostly listen to acoustic, pop ballad, and would like to get into more classical piano.

I know I should listen for myself but it will be interesting to here comments from others.

Thanks, in advance.
The Von Schweikert VR-4Sr are nowhere near the performance of these two speakers. I have hear both in the same listening room and I would buy the Verity but that's just me.
I wonder why the previous feedbacks are focusing on points
that not subject to good & better selection.

Sound Quality of any system can be modified to a certain extent with change of components, inter-connects, sp cables
or even power cables. But " detail-ness " is one thing
you can improve from rather from low level to a better level with the components/cables changing. To some extent, no more changing of components can add to detail-ness as
the speakers can do no more ( expcet loudness ).
Up to the Parsifal level, the detail-ness you can have is not the other speakers can give you with any trial of cables change.

Of course, with Parsifal, upgrade of cables/components
can still go further, since the sweetness and detailness and rich-ful-ness is there
with them you may even willing more to invest furhter later
as you will love them more and more daily.
A more natural competitor to the Parsifal in that they sound more alike than different is the Merlin VSM-MXe. Both highly resolved speakers. With all the speakers I have heard over the years, my favourite two were Verity and Merlin - I chose Merlins, but could have been happy with either.
Interesting comments on the Parsifal. I bought one of the first pairs of
Encores back in 1999 (?) and have owned them since. At the time, I was
spread bicostally over 3 homes and, about the same time, also bought VSMs
for a different house. I have owned both speakers since. For the last 3 years,
I've been in 1 house and rotated the P/E and Merlins (now upgraded to
current status) in my room.

I half agree with Pubul, in their current iteration, the speakers are converging.
In the old versions, the Merlin sounded somewhat overdamped and light in
the mid-bass. There is much more weight there in the current version, but
the Parsifal is still warmer and the Merlin is still more revealing.

The Parsifals do full range very,very well, but the bass alignment may limit
definition in the lowest octave (or so). I'd still take issue with the notion that
these speakers are inappropriate for full range (orchestral) music. For that
50hz kick drum, I'd certainly acknowledge the design's limitations.
Martyk1, I agree with your comparison between the two. Both great speakers.