Verity Audio Parsifal vs. Aerial 10T

I've been hunting for speakers for a few months, now. Houston, TX is a wasteland for high-end audio of any kind so auditions can't usually be had. I was considering Aerial 10Ts from the very good posts on them but have reconsidered because of the fact they are getting a bit long-in-the-tooth in terms of manufacture date and looks.

My search brings up Verity Parsifals as a clear competitor to the Aerial 10T. Can anyone offer information as to how these two compare and differ?

I currently have a pair of Totem Mani-2s run by SimAudio W-6 monoblocks that I love. Sound may be 'slightly' more forward and not enough bass for me. Mostly listen to acoustic, pop ballad, and would like to get into more classical piano.

I know I should listen for myself but it will be interesting to here comments from others.

Thanks, in advance.

I am afraid it is your loss if you don't.
Parsifal is more like a Palace whilst others
like a good arena or some even a stadium only.
I agree the Parsifal should be auditioned, it is a wonderful speaker, but their are other contenders - no product is "best".
Frederick21: You're judging world-class speakers like the VR-5SE's with sources like that? Let's just say you haven't heard the Von Schweikerts. Also, great speakers won't blow you away. They just reproduce music. Go to a rock concert or listen to a pair of Klipschhorns if you want to get blown away.
Rgs92. There's plent of soundstaging with my Model 9s. Depth is amazing. I'm very pleased with these. Much, much moreso than with my Mani-2s. As to source material, I listened to the personal reference system (home system) of a Von Schweikert dealer. If that's what he put together, it's not going to get much better. The Klipsch comment was such a cheap shot. As to 'being blown away'- I meant being drawn into the music, having the music wrap around me, having the hair on my arms stand up, open my eyes to see if the vocalist or instrument is actually in my living room. I'm not looking to have the skin on my face pinned back like in some centrifuge chamber. I, too, want to listen to well reproduced music. As to source- there are two diverging segments- analog and digital. IMO, digital is going hard drive based whether we like it or not. I found it interesting the two speakers auditions were with hard drive systems. And this is where I jump off the train, the convenience is what my wife and I want. Sure I may be putting a governor on my listening with my source, but it is nice to know there's plenty there if I choose to seek it out;)

Argyro. I did buy the Aerial Model 9s. I set them up this past Thurs. I didn't want to chance purchasing the Parsifal's without any listen whatsoever. Did you listen to the Model 9 or 10T along with the Parsifals? What were your thoughts / differences noted?

MacroJack. "Keep the Totems and buy a sub". I listened to a few tracks with my Totems and switched over to the newly set up Aerials- uh, if you were here you would never make a statement like that again. Don't even try to pass that off on someone. Direct head to head comparison: Totems are more forward in vocal (probably because there is so much more lower mid warmth in the Aerials). The Model 9s play noticably louder at the given volume 'on the dial'. The Totems don't have the depth or width of soundstage but image just as well. The air and weight of the music is much bigger with the Model 9. These Model 9s are a big step up. Big. They are in very different categories and that is what I was looking for.

Dpang233. Everyone's opinions have been great to read. Research into past posts on Audiogon by a few of you give me background on where you may stand with your personal choices and why you recommend what you recommend. We all can become biased and why shouldn't we?

Music. I see why Peter Gabriel tracks are often listed as music to audition speakers. There is so much in the lower octaves that is critical to his music. I never heard most of it, not this way. I always wanted to listen to more classical but found it rather unlistenable with my Totems. The Aerial does classical beautifully. I should know, my wife worked for the Houston Symphony for years- I know what live classical music should sound like.

Wrap up. I've not had nearly enough time to give a formal opinion. All I can say is over the past two days I have listened to a ton of my music. I'm thrilled with what I have heard. I have subtleness, slam, soundstage, depth, accuracy, warmth, musicality and breath. I wonder if these speakers are even broken in- either that or I am closing in on great speaker placement. The Model 9 hasn't been 'published' like other speakers for the simple fact Michael Kelly hasn't played the magazine game, i.e. buy a splashy ad, get a review. The last reviews I've read are all glowing anyway, is it because everyone is making a much better product? It's a shame, though, what these speakers can do with four 7" bass drivers is truly amazing. I'm happy I didn't take the bait of buying the much more batted around 10T.

A buddy of mine is coming in later today. He has a pretty good ear, in my opinion. I'll give you his unbiased opinion when I have the chance.

Thanks, all. You've been great!