Advice on best small speaker for under $400 used

I have just started my search for the ultimate small speaker (shelf, micro, ?) for under "$400 used". Primary use is for audio in a small listening room, but may also be used for some DVD viewing on a plasma as well. The amp is nothing fancy ...a Yamaha RX-V800 (100W per). I have started looking at B&W DM303's, Epos M5's, Gallo A'Diva's, etc... The smaller the better, some nice bass potential (I don't want a sub), and I don't mind considering vintage. So, am I on the right track here? Any suggestions?
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B&W New 686 I lost 20 bucks to Carlos thinking a sub was already on. Do use a filled pair of leveled Stands and you will be pleasantly surprised.
Cheers Johnnyr
Guys ...great suggestions. Thank you. Now I have to do some more homework ...I guess that's the fun part! ...Simon