Help with bi-wirable efficient floorstanding 2.5K


I am looking for a pair of at least 90 db 2.5 or 3 way bi-wirable floostanding speakers of relatively small footprint (less than 15" wide) for under 2.5K used or new. This has not proved an easy quest for me. Proacs fit this purpose, but they are expensive...
Any suggestions would be most welcome. I am planning to run them bi-amped with a 8w SET amp (300b) and a 10wpc DIY hybrid amp. My pre is DeHavilland Ultraverve II. Room medium/big, subwoofer yes. I listen to classical, blues, world music, and jazz mostly.

Thank you all in advance.
Mirage OMD-15. 91dB efficient and bi-wirable. They also have excellent bass and you may not need the sub for much of your music. I have a pair, and although I'm powering them with an 85 wpc integrated, the damping factor is just 25 and yet bass is very clear, extended, and articulate. My speakers are in a high-ceiling open architecture living area, and the Mirage's hemispherical dispersion pattern fills the listening area uniformly and effortlessly.

You might also look at other efficient floorstanders from Canada that were developed with research from Canada's National Research Foundation, such as the PSB Imagine T, Paradigm Reference Studio 100, or Energy RC-70 Tower. That model Energy lists at $2200/pair and has a claimed in-room sensitivity of 95 dB (92dB anechoic). They also make the Veritas v2.3i at $3K/pair. It's awesome, but not as sensitive as their RC-70.
I don't have any specific speaker recommendations to offer, but I would suggest that if your listening includes anything with wide dynamic range, such as well-recorded symphony orchestra, a 90db speaker in a "medium/big" room, with a 10W amplifier, will not be adequate.

I have 90db speakers in a room which is only 13x20, with a listening distance of 10 or 11 feet. Listening to classical symphonic music, I've clipped a 20W vintage tube amp to the point where visible arcing occurred in the power tubes. Currently I'm using an 80W tube amp, which is adequate, but without a lot of margin. A 200W solid state amp I've used in the past was fine.

If the crossover configuration for your sub keeps the deep bass out of the low-powered amps that will help, of course, but on the other hand your room sounds like it is significantly larger than mine. I'd look for 96db+ if I were planning on SET or similarly low-powered amps.

-- Al
Don't fool around, just get used pair of ProAc 140's. Should cost less the 2.5K. I drive mine with tubes and they sound just great, never stressed out.