Help with bi-wirable efficient floorstanding 2.5K


I am looking for a pair of at least 90 db 2.5 or 3 way bi-wirable floostanding speakers of relatively small footprint (less than 15" wide) for under 2.5K used or new. This has not proved an easy quest for me. Proacs fit this purpose, but they are expensive...
Any suggestions would be most welcome. I am planning to run them bi-amped with a 8w SET amp (300b) and a 10wpc DIY hybrid amp. My pre is DeHavilland Ultraverve II. Room medium/big, subwoofer yes. I listen to classical, blues, world music, and jazz mostly.

Thank you all in advance.
Johnnyb53, I have been looking at that ad. The reason I was hesitating was to be able to put my other amps (SS, hybrid, tube) to use with bi-amping, and play with the possibilities of the sound. As you guys all know, most high-sensitivity speakers like those from Fritz, Tekton, Zu, Sonist, Omega, etc. are single-drivers and naturally not bi-amped.

Tvad, I will certainly pay attention to the impedence curve, rather than the single impedence figure that I have been looking at...More food for thought for me. Thank you.
If the Zu Druid is anywhere near its claimed 101 dB sensitivity, then you shouldn't need to biamp.
Cheap side - Quad 22L2s. New $1800, used $1,100 or so. Not many speakers will beat them in that price range.

I'm driving a pair with a Rogue Audio Stereo 90 in triode and they do just fine. Save your money for other things unless you're looking to spend more than $4-5k on speakers.
FYI, Sonist speakers are bi-wireable and bi-ampable, first order coil on the woofer, and first order cap on the ribbon tweeter.

Thanks Randyb. My mistake...Interesting. The latest Sonist models look really cool.

There is a Silverline Sonata on A'gon, but it is not the III version. I wonder how much difference there is between the earlier models and III.