LSA 1 Signatures-- Anyone had a chance to listen?

I'm going to take a listen to these this weekend and just wandering if anyone has had a chance to check them out? If I purchase, they will be powered by a Krell 400xi integrated.

Thanks for any input.
I heard these when a representative demonstrated them at the local hi fi shop. I thought the bass was good. I found everything else just okay. Before the representative hooked up the LSA Sig 1 Sig.)I was listening to a pair of Reynards floor standers (the ones with the egg on top) and Usher 6311's.
I honestly don't know why but they did not have the magic expected at the price they were asking. I personally thought the Usher 520's were just as good if not better considering the pricing. ($400 for the Ushers vs $2500 for the LSA 1 Signatures) The dealer wasn't impressed either.
Just my 2 cents.
Thanks for your thoughts Ponnie.

I was actually able to pick up the demo pair last night and got them hooked up in my system. I am so far, quite impressed by them. Top end detail and clarity is excellent with a very wide soundstage (somewhat like Totem). To me, it makes the music sound like what it is supposed to, not adding any additional characteristics (I guess you would call this neutral).

I hopefully will have time tonight to sit down and listen a little more.
I've heard them twice, both times at shows, and have been quite impressed both times. Very musical, great balance of all the compromises speakers must make. Enjoy.