Best frieght company to ship Speakers

I'm wondering who I should use to ship my spkrs when they're sold.price and care are an issue.
Best I've found is Pilot Air. A number of speaker companies use them and they are also happy to deal with consumers. They pretty much palletize everything automatically and have been a pleasure to deal with on 3 different occasions, with no issues whatsoever (including tubes).

I've also had good luck with Yellow Freight, but you HAVE to specify a pallet or else its a crapshoot.

On my "stay-away-from-them-or-they'll-break-your-speakers" list: FEDEX Ground and UPS.

Good luck.
I worked for a while at a mailboxes etc. When we had to freight anything we used Call the number listed on the website and they are happy to give you quotes on various companies of varying prices and levels of service.
One other suggestion...regardless of freight company, you'll want to check into whether the carrier in question hands off the pallet/other shipment to another carrier in a given region of the country. I had a shipment for which everything turned out well where Yellow Freight handled the entire shipment and guaranteed the results however, when the shipment reached the WA. state area, Yellow handed off the shipment to a regional trucking company that handled parts of Oregon and Washington outside of the metro Seattle area. Everything turned out well but knowing this allowed me to ask the right questions and inform the recipient with full information on the shipment resulting in a smooth transaction for both of us...
Thanks Tvad, and therefore a second on the TeamWW recommendation.

This week I had a pair of speakers shipped in three wooden crates, totaling 350 pounds. Shipping residence to residence eliminated a couple of options, then since TeamWW's quote was among the lowest, I went with them. They used a pallet (even without my requesting it - I'll know better next time), were on time for both pickup and delivery, had lift-gate trucks, and were very helpful in arranging the shipment.