Avalon Eidolen VS Porac D80 or B&W 802D

I live in Azores, and I don't have the opportunity to hear speakears like Avalon Eidolen, Proac D80 and the B&W 802D.
I plan to buy one of these second-hand.
My auditions are on vinyl, and most of the time I hear jazz. From time to time also like to hear blues and old rock and roll.
Now I have the opportunity to buy the Avalon Eidolen (not the diamond).
Please appreciate that someone can help me to choose between this three speakers.
I hear that the Avalon only play classical music.
It's true?

Thank you.
It's rare you'll ever get 5-10 audiophiles on this forum to agree on ANYTHING so this is as close to a unanimous decision as I've seen here.

I agree with the others - with your great equipment the Eidolons would clearly be my choice as well. The 20' x 20' dimensions would be the main limiting factor unless you have adequately treated the room. Just my $.02

Good luck.

I have owned the Eidolon and heard the BW several times. To me there is no comparison. The Avalon has a capacity to render detail and nuance that the BW lacks. And the soundstage is incredible. However they do not have a very strong bass.
Be careful with amplification. The Krell should work well but I never heard them with a big valve amp, like the Premier 140.
I do not know the Proac.

Good luck
Not a fan of B&W, even their D series.

But I am also not a fan of ceramic driver speakers like Eidolon unless your room is not superly huge and require monster solid state to drive them. If I were to pick Eidolon, I will mate them with tube amp and in a medium size room. In a large room with solid state, Eidolon sounds very hi-fi to my ears.
I have no experience with the Avalon Eidolon, I like a lot the Avalon Eidolon Diamonds, but mainly for classic music.
Since you listen mostly to jazz, blues and some rock and roll I would advise you to consider seriously the Proac D80 - I have owned Proac 5's and they were really good with this type of music and should sound very good with either of your amps - I preferred the sound of the Proacs with tubes, but I have read that a well know studio in Portugal has Proac with Krells.
Not sure if the Rockport Ankaa falls in the Eidolon price range. If it does, that is another to consider. I also have not been a fan of the specific ceramic driver speakers which I have heard. Avalon was not one of them. I had the Eclipse with a C-J Premier 8A,and thought it was very good. I had the C-J converted to Triode at that time, and it was lacking in power for the Eclipse. I sent it right back to C-J to go back to the pentode 250wpc. The Eclipse certainly liked power. FWIW, I moved from the Avalon's to Verity Parsifal Encores, and did not look back. I would like to hear one of the Proac's also.