Gallo 3.1's and amps?

Just curious if anyone has used a Tube Amp with the Gallo 3.1's? I tried a Jolida 1000rc and it sounded nice. I'm looking to get the most out of my Gallo 3.1's and want to increase the power. I'm currently using a Sherbourn 5210a, which is rated at 5x200. I listen mostly to Rock music at loud volumes.

Would it be better to just stick with a Solid State amp like a Bryston 4bsst? Does anyone have any suggestions on some amps to try? Any thoughts or help on this would be appreciated.
You are right. He does sell some tubed gear, but most of his sales are solid state stuff. I wasn't nuts about the 3.1s, but I was told that they weren't well broken in. I can't fathom why the dealer would audition speakers that take some decent amount of use before sounding optimal without breaking them in himself.

I do note that Stereotimes just did a piece on the new 3.5 series. Aesthetically, they look the same but the price has doubled so presumably they sound better. LOL.
I'm driving my 3.1's with a pair of 60 watt tube mono-blocks with no problems. I play a lot of rock and at times it can get pretty loud. If you are a real headbanger you may need a more powerful amp, but tubes will be fine.
Drove them with both a Cary SLI-80 and a Cary Rocket 88R- both were fantastic.
Newbrook, if they really weren't broken in, they're pretty much guaranteed to sound like hell. I don't know why Gallo didn't do it (they do specify a minimum 100 hr. break-in in the owner's manual) because I've never heard speakers that sound so blah -- hard and 2-dimensional -- after they have about 6 hours on them. Once they get the hours on them, they're terrific.
Do you think that an 845 amp at 20wpc will be enough power for the 3.5's?
I will probably eventually get two per side, as advised by Pierre Sprey at Mapleshade. One firing forward and the other firing backward. I would think this would a similar idea to stacked 57's although the 3.5's would be more dynamic and go lower.
Most likely will do the SA amp as well.
If I were to get two per side, and two SA amps per side, what would be the preferred way to connect everything?