B&W's objective opinions lean or accurate

I have a few posts and my system is evolving with the addition of a McCormack DNA225 for the fronts (which will be upgraded by Smc), McCormack HT5 for the center and surrounds, B&W N804 - scm's - and center, McCormack UDP1 Deluxe disc, Denon 3800 Blue Ray, etc. The system is evolving and can be changed as time progresses.

I have also read many threads on amps and B&W's. I understand there are very basic philosophical differences between tube system and ss system orientations and desires. But what I am struggling with is the B&W's and their signature sound. I am thinking of upgrading and do not want to regret making a narrow decision as my system evolves.

Assuming that the components powering them are acceptable, are the B&W's simply too lean and bright or are they accurate? As some have said, in a concert the sound is bright which is true. Also there is the fact that we personally listen to a wide variety of types of music so I think that we need a versitile speaker. I like the N804's but want more depth. I do like detail, soundstage, seperation of the instruments and vocals, and do not tend towards a dark sound or smooth if it means the loss of the individual instruments and seperation.

The limitations include this is a hobby with a budget and I can not hear all the brands. Even in S Cal there are limited comparison possibilities at showrooms who only want to push their favotites. I was already taken by that process and won't even mention the older stuff I bought. Here the stores push B&W, Sonus, Focal, etc. If you own anything over 3 years old, they want you to trade in. So I now buy used quality instead.

So, if you were in my position and in the cost range up to the pricepoint of a used B&W 802D, what would you reccomend as speakers in your opinion and why? In that price range there would seem to be many options.

I appreciate any feedback and understand this is very subjective and likely B&W's are overdiscussed in the threads. I really am still learning and enjoy getting the suggestions of different viewpoints and the knowledge of serious enthusiasts who have already gone through this.

Thanks again, sorry for being so wordy.

With the McCormack electronics and your interest in a more honest and musical sound, I would look at a system built around the Vandersteen 3A.
I live in California too and know that B&Ws are a very popular and easy to locate brand here. Even three audio stores near me cary the brand and many in the SF Bay Area. I have never owned B&W, but have heard them allot over the years and was never impressed. I have listened in systems of all price levels from monster amps from Krell and Levenson to mid-fi Adcom. I have never heard one good audition. My exp. is that they were very bassy and had a weak thick untamed midrange. Not very musical. (I own SoundLab speakers for reference). Sorry I can't give a good review, but I am honest and feel that almost any other brand will be more enjoyable.
It seems to me that I need a lot more listening time with various brands. I still plan on buying used though. Raquel is correct and I actully am going to be speaking with Steve McCormack about speakers when my DNA 225 is upgraded.

These forum discussions are really helpful as common characteristics of a brand come up giving hints on what to listen for and how the synergy works throughout the system and components. Ultimately it is preference, but it is really valuable to get input from those with more experience.

One additional limitation is the room having couches and cabinets so speaker placement is a little difficult and there are size limitations.
If size and placement is an issue, you might want to look at PSB Imagine or Synchrony lines as an alternative to B&W for combined music and HT duty. Vandersteen 3As are not ideal given your circumstances as they are relatively big and need room to breath.
That is too bad on the Vandersteens, they sounded interesting. I have to carefully review my placement options with the fireplace and built in cabinets on each side. Maybe I can figure out something.