Best Integrated Amp for PSB Image T6 Speakers

I currently have an NAD C356BEE driving my PSB Image T6 speakers and am not too happy with the sound. Despite "tuning" the placement of the speakers numerous times, the music still sounds flat. The room is large (18'x26') and my listening position is about 12' from the speakers. I hooked up a friends old NAD receiver (C740, 35 WPC) and the system sounded better. Any suggestions on a different int amp? Thanks.
What is your budget for an amp? And what is your source; CD, computer audio?

The PSB house sound is very dynamic with tons of bass, even at the Image speaker level. Clearly your NAD is not up to the task.
I would like to stay around $1200. My source is CD only. Thanks in advance for any input
An Ayre AX-7 would be a big step up from your NAD.

That's what they all say. LOL
To be honest, I don't really put much faith in reviews, but you're right. I've never seen anything other than very positive reviews on the Ayre.