Looking for Help - LS27 or SLP-05

I've been an equipment junky for 30 years as you can see by my feedback. Its been my hobby since I was young. Now as retirement is nearing, I'm trying to put together a system I can stick with. I've searched and read threads and reviews and I still don't know which way to go. I've owned a couple of ARC preamps and have really enjoyed them. I've never owned a Cary. My current system is exaSound e22, Rowland Capri, Pass X250.8 and SF Olympica III's. I am running a 5m Nordost Heimdall 2 from pre to amp. My most memorable (favorite)sound was an AMR DP-777 direct into a McIntosh 402 driving Cremona Ms. My system does need tubes. The midrange is nice, but it is missing something. I don't feel I'm getting the most from my speakers. I know you can't tell me what I would like, but I'd like to hear some comparisons or advice.
Oh dude... vgrubb... you gotta get a philips mini watt for the rectifier... it is amazing.
I have some NOS Pope Holland 6SN7's that I used in my SLP05 before I sold it. They made quite a difference. They are not presently for sale but I could be persueded
Can't go wrong with a First Sound pre amp. Four tubes, separate power supply, just a tremendous piece of kit. Coupled with a Cary ph 302 phono pre and you've got a winning combo.
I just replaced the rectifier tube in my SLP-05 and what a difference it made. It had an NOS RCA 5AR4 tube that had just run out of life. Did not sound bad, just lost a lot of the punch and bass the unit is capable of. I put in a new Mullard GZ34 and it really brought it back to file. People need to decide if they want new or NOS, but the point is replace the rectifier tube on a regular basis. In my case I will probably replace it every 3 years or so after this experience. Short money if you use the Mullard.

AS to the 6SN7, note that if you are running singe ended, you only need to change the left 4 tubes. The 2 right ones of the group of 6 are only used in balanced mode. And, of course, if you don't use the headphones you don't need to worry abut the far right two.