book speaker against the wall

I am looking at buying bookspeakers for my office. Office size is about 15 by 18 feet, with windows all around. I would like to find speakers that can be placed against the wall, or are made to be placed against the wall, about 5 feet high.
My budget is around $600/700 used.
they will be powered by Yamaha M-60 totaly rebuild, and I will listen to cd/HD music only.
Thank you for your input.
"10-04-15: Bob_reynolds
The majority of active studio monitors have boundary controls which make them well suited to wall or desktop placement."

Can you give me an actual example of a monitor with boundary controls? I have a few pairs of active studio monitors and I don't recall any of them having that feature. Is there another name for it?
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There is a pair of Spica TC-50's listed here for $395. They are a sealed design and should fit the bill ! My friend had them years ago and they sounded pretty damn good !