Nottingham resonance control

I am trying to figure out how to do away with those rubber feet, both under the table and the motor. Or at least to greatly improve the table-platform interface.
Currently, my Spacedeck sits on a 3" maple block which is right on the hardwood floor with Boston Audio tuneblocks under it. No Nottingham platform. My speakers are on Boston Audio tuneblocks for speakers. I have very little floor vibration even at high volume level.
I was thinking about Walker resonance control discs or Steelpoints. Steelpoints are very expensive, Walker discs are $50 each. I would need six - three for the table and three for the motor.
What are your thoughts and experience?
Oh, yes, I am also using Boston Audio Mat-1.
When I had a space deck I had SRA, ( Silent Running Audio ) make a custom VR base specifically for it. Yes, it was expensive but I felt it was money well spent. ( about $800 some years ago ). Tried Stillpoints, did not like them on the Nottingham as well but I do use them on most everything else.
Interesting about Stillpoints and Nottingham. Yes, $800 for the base is too much for me right now, which is not to say it wouldn't be worth it, I suspect it would. One day perhaps, I am going to keep my Spacedeck for a long time, at least for five-seven years, until I possibly upgrade to Hyperspace deck.
Davt, what did you upgrade your Nottingham to?
ive been wondering the same thing. just getting the base changed out on my nott to a maple platform was huge!. ive been thinking of trying Herbies gliders and then some Grungebusters under platform. looks like he may have appropriate thread size but not sure about that.if so the cost to experiment is pretty low and i figure anything would be an improvement over what seems to be nothing exotic.
I could also tear off that rubber and put Audio Selection steel cones in its place. They have the adhesive and are adjustable, $10 each from Audio Advisor. I am thinking about it. Should be an improvement, but you never really know until you try. Walker discs might work too, both with rubber feet and steel cones.
For now I ordered one Walker disk and am going to experiment by putting it on different pieces of my system and see if I can hear any difference. This won't answer the question about their effectiveness with Nott., I know, but I am curious.