Universal Players vs. Dedicated CD/SACD Players

Greetings all. I'm curious what other's experiences are listening to Universal Players vs. "dedicated" cd/sacd players. I have an Oppo BDP95 based on the reviews and convenience of the "one-box" solution. However, I've been wondering if I'm missing some audio performance this way. I'm more into sound than video BTW. I have an audiophile friend who says he doesn't like audio and video in the same box. I've entertained thoughts of purchasing a dedicated audio cd/sacd player. Your input is appreciated.


I have a Sony BDP that seems to require a firmware update every time I use it.  Frequently it won't play Blu Rays unless the update is done.
It's unbelievably frustrating (it's in a second system in a room we keep woprkout equipment in) and usually I just opt for listening to music via the aforementioned Pioneer Elite Universal Player while exercising because I don't want to start my morning with the hassle of another firmware update on the Sony.
   And the industry wonders why Blu Ray had such a hard time competing against streaming!  My wife is always asking me to do the updates and is totally intimidated by the difficulty associated with what ought to be the easiest thing imaginable--popping in a disc and hitting "play"

Thanks! for sharing- tony.

I still want a BDP-09. I know it is a little dated and Pioneer no longer supports/services these spinners. There has not been a firmware update in years. IMO, all of that crap was a ploy by the movie studios and the blu-ray format.

The Cipher involves me in the music like when I heard my first BSO performance of HOLST's The Planets!  I was but a teenager and sat 5th row center...it was grippingly beautiful and utterly mesmerizing.  So alive and dynamic and organic with accurate tone and extreme extension and air!!  

Incredibly, there was a Pioneer Elite BDP 09 on C***list in my area for months, at $500. The seller offered to sell it to me for $450, but it still took another month to sell it. Whoever bought it got a genuine bargain. It wasn't me since I already have one (and an Oppo 105D), but I was tempted at the ridiculous price. I paid $1100 a few years ago and thought it was a bargain then.
Very nice -tonykay.

I still want a BDP-09, so, if you spot one feel free to contact me anytime.
Happy Listening!