Thoughts on Krell FPB series? 600 in particular.

Or the 300 as well.
Will be using it to power a pair of Thiel 3.6s and Maggie 2.7QR some of the time. Currently have a Classe CA-200. I'm looking for more slam and I'm thinking the extra power will result in a less constricted soundstage (more open). Is my thinking right?

How about the CX series? 300CX or 400CX

Associated equipment: Wadia 850, ARC LS-2B, Cardas and PAD cables.
Krell made four (now discontinued) products there, the S-300i, S-550i, S-350a, and S-350av.  Everything is made in Connecticut now.
Do we know why Krell junk-sourced to china for these specific models?

It is good to learn that Krell learned from mistakes and brought it back "home".

Those products were very affordable.  The S-300i/S-350a were 2500, the S-350av was 4500, and the big S-550i was 5000.  These were amazing performance/dollar products at the time.  The new Vanguard integrated and Cipher CD/SACD player are both much better, but at 4.5k/12k respectively the price is higher now too. 

Many company's make some models outside of the US to keep the prices lower.  Unrelated (sort of):  I worked at a B&W dealer for 16 years, and when the 683 loudspeaker was released from their new, non-British factory I was surprised/disappointed, but then I listened to them.  Not only were they 1500/pr but they sound much better than the outgoing, British, 604S3 ($1600/pr) that they replaced.  So equating where an audio product is made with it's performance (or reliability) might not necessarily reflect reality.

That said, rest assured, ALL Krell is made in Connecticut now.  The new Vanguard integrated, and the iBias family of amplifiers are the best sounding amps they've ever made.  Give them a listen.  :-)

I wonder what it cost to recapp a pair of FPB 350m’s? A pair local to me but the age worries me. How do you know for sure when to do it? Does the performance change over time?