JL Audio e112 sub vs. JL Audio Fathom 112 v.2

I recently purchased a JL Audio e112 subwoofer, which seems to work OK with my system, although at normal listening volumes it is turned all the way up.  I wonder if for not too much more money it would not make sense to purchase a Fathom 112 v.2.  Does anyone have experience with these subwoofers?
Ag insider logo xs@2xgapperis123
My former Velodyne sub was a "Digital Drive" model, not a "DD+".  Before I purchased the JL Audio subs, I did audition a 15" DD+ sub woofer, but it was not setup well, sounded boomy, not well-defined.
I've been really happy with both my former Velodyne & my new JL Audio's, if anything the JL's seem to be "faster".
gapperis123: "Mains" means the power that comes out of your wall socket. What you plug your equipment into...