What does audyssey do where subwoofer rolls off

For example, if you have a closed box subwoofer that is at f3 at 30 hz and continues to roll off (6 db per octave, right?) but audyssey is trying to make a flat response t the listening position...does it boost power 6 db at 20 hz? If so where does this behavior stop? It seems like you would be running out of amplifier power but audyssey doesn't know how much power your amp/sub can handle.

What does it do?
My subwoofer integration is not even of this world!!! ..I actually have attained such a level of expert "golden ear" hearing status, that even audiophile systems costing $100 million dollars can't play as well as I hear!! NO KIDDING! Really, my expert tunning and golden ear tendancies are SO good, that I hear better than I did when I was born with platinum ears!!!!!
...my hearing and system EQ'ing skills are soo good, that even the most interesting man in the world comes to me for stereo advice! ..That's how good I am at being the best audiophile EQ tunner in the universe.
No need to try anyone elses skills for audio tweaking. Thanks
Yes, yes. That's what I meant!.. Diamond status audiophile Kimchi Kum Louda hearing!!. That's I what I meant. Sorry. ...Highest order listening considerations and assessments only, of course..clearly.
Thanks for the correction
No no! All people DO NOT deserve the very best! ..We deserve what we create!! U stand corrected..

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