What does audyssey do where subwoofer rolls off

For example, if you have a closed box subwoofer that is at f3 at 30 hz and continues to roll off (6 db per octave, right?) but audyssey is trying to make a flat response t the listening position...does it boost power 6 db at 20 hz? If so where does this behavior stop? It seems like you would be running out of amplifier power but audyssey doesn't know how much power your amp/sub can handle.

What does it do?
Yes, yes. That's what I meant!.. Diamond status audiophile Kimchi Kum Louda hearing!!. That's I what I meant. Sorry. ...Highest order listening considerations and assessments only, of course..clearly.
Thanks for the correction
No no! All people DO NOT deserve the very best! ..We deserve what we create!! U stand corrected..

"We can't fix the problems we are facing, using the same approach which we used when we created them" -Einstein

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"That which I have greatly feared has come upon me; and the thing i dreaded has happened " -Job 3:25
That is why you need to look further. I have said this many times. When I test something in audio and it doesn't satisfy me I will do it differently. This way leads to better results.