$16K new/used speaker question?

Opinions on options for full range, 8ohm, 90db or above speakers. So far I have heard and liked both Devore GibbonX, and Acoustic Zen Crescendo's and really like them both a lot.  I'm using an all BAT tube system with the VK-150se tube amps. Any thing else I should be listening to? I've heard the Wilsons sound great with BAT gear, but on paper they look like they would be really rough on my amps.
Tom- I went through the same decision process recently in your price range (and demo'd most of the speakers mentioned) and just ordered Gibbon Xs. In contrast to others, I much preferred the X to the O96s and Devore definitely makes different sounding lines so personal taste is very much in play. I value sound stage, dynamics, and tone and the Devore hits those criteria right on the button.

On the more resolution-oriented side, I was tempted by YG Haileys but cost just got out of reach for me. They also aren't tube friendly although your large BATs may stand a better chance. fwiw, I had a Carmel 2 in-home demo.

I've been enjoying a pair of Focal Sopra No2's now for about six months.

I enjoy all sorts of styles of music, except rap and country.

I find they are a very "musical" speaker, not what one salesman would call "analytic".
ricred1- very resolved, transparent speaker. certainly not a warm speaker, but not cool either which is usually how I've found, say Magico. Vocals could be bedazzling at times as emotion really came through with utmost resolve. On the negative side, I felt they lacked dynamics and the top end doesn't balance as well as the bigger YGs that have a third woofer. the Carmel 2 is a beautiful speaker and looks great in the flesh, but at 25k I found myself requiring a full range speaker...now if you're room is small, then the Carmel would be a natural fit. But for my taste, YG's Haileys are the best "value" in the line.

If you have the space, order up some Klipsch Jubilees and you'll never have the desire to buy new speakers again.  Be forewarned, each one is about the size of a large refridgerator.