
I "think" im in need of some sort of diffusing on front wall of small listening room...I would be really interested to hear some experiences of some that have been through it...don't think I need an absorber type...as I have some bass traps in lower corner...just lacking clarity of sound stage...diffusor?
In small squarish rooms, many have had success setting it up across a corner rather than a traditional setup. If you are free to give it a try, you've got nothing to lose. 

Generally I would agree that absorptive bass traps in corners and higher frequency absorption at first reflection point is your best bet for starters. A little absorption at center front wall between speakers can also help tighten up your imaging/soundstaging. Cheers,
Definitely diffusors behind you to, well, diffuse back wall reflections. I used two Aurelex diffusors in my former listening space and these really made the back wall recede.  And absorption of first reflections to the side walls is a must to reduce phase cancellations.  A couple of floor-corner bass traps won't hurt either.

The bass traps off to the (front) center...not completely in corner have done a lot...first ref is going to be tricky...back wall will be some thing to deal w/though...im surprised nobody scolded me for having floor standers in such a tight little room...I read a thread were someone said a good speaker is a good speaker...no matter what room...as it is the room that you must regulate...im some were in between on that I guess...

I think its giving me a reason to try some atc’s standmounts?

I built five 2 x 4 foot quadratic diffusors for my front wall. I bought the plan from Acoustic Fields. Check out their website they offer a lot of good information. They really added depth, width and clarity to the soundstage. It was a lot of work but well worth it.
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