Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Hi Jeff
Although I do not use my HDP-5 & HDP-3 processors in a home theatre setup, you have the facility to use one of the four (remote control selectable) config setups as a bypass.

If the Main Filter is set to "Bypass correction or crossover for this loudspeaker, but still use filters" & then against Limit Filters, untick both low & high pass filters (a new config defaults to this anyway), the speakers will still operate but in bypass fashion.

Any further queries, I recommend you contact Alan Langford at DEQX to confirm:

Please also note that Roon for DEQX is shown as 'coming soon' on the Roon site.

As a largely analogue listener, digital processing is undetectable in my setup. Clarity/transparency is outstanding & I suppose that the things DEQX corrects have far greater benefits than any DSP impact, even if it's there.

Let us know how you get on.....

Thanks Andrew.  That's extremely helpful on the bypass question.  My other concern though is having to max the volume on the prepro source and the risk of switching sources forgetting to turn the volume back down.  One solution I thought of is putting my current preamp between the HDP5 amp outputs and the amps.  I would run all of my two channel from the HDP5 to a passthru input on the preamp and the prepro directly to another passthru input.  The preamp would essentially just act as a line level switch between 2 channel and surround.  The problem is that I HATE to put an additional piece in the chain and I was hoping to sell off the preamp to mitigate the price of the HDP5.

Another option is simply to add another pair of main speakers and a dedicated amp (I have a set up in another room that I never use) and literally run two separate systems in the same room only sharing sources.  This is kind of cool, but a bit cluttered and I'm not sure if the additional speakers in the room will cause unwanted resonances when I'm listening to just 2 channel.

My third option is to just go all 2 channel.  I read somewhere (maybe here) that the fully corrected system sounds so good and the center is so optimized that surround is not critical.  I watch regular TV and am not critical of theater sound at all while being fanatical about my 2 channel music.  I know that I could also work a profile to optimize the voices as well, that is key.  So this may be a good option and would let me sell off even more gear...maybe get a nice 'table! 

Thanks also for the validation regarding sound quality.  this is what I am hearing pretty much everywhere, but best when it comes from a long term user.  I will definitely post my journey when I decide to move forward.


Output volume levels from the DEQX can be set higher or lower on any or all of the four configs so you can adjust accordingly. 

If 2 channel is your priority then in my experience nothing comes close to DEQX, especially if you are able to conduct initial measurements outdoors. 


Ah good, the volume settings could solve the problem.  May seriously consider just sticking with 2 channel for TV if the voices can be tuned correctly.  

Definitely going to measure outside.  Big grass lawn next to my house and easily moved Raidho D1 monitors.  My old ML CLXes would not have been contenders for outside measurements!
I just stumbled upon this story in TAS form 2008:

Alon Wolf of Magico used a DEQX crossover in his own Ultimate speakers.  That certainly is a big validation of the transparency of these units!