Schitt Audio Still in business???

I have attempted to email repeatedly from different email accounts and my email is returned from google saying they cannot relay to the schitt email server.

The company also does not like to staff to answer the phone.  

With this type of customer service I can understand why they would go out of business.
Yes they are in business.
I continue to read this and other forums about positive SQ of the Yggy.  I was on the path to purchase a Gumby.  But instead..

I sent an email order for a Yggy on Thursday and received an email the next day it had shipped. 

Yes they are in business.  Looking forward to see what this Schiit is all about. (Had to say).
Please post your impressions AFTER letting it run 100 hours and THEN listening. The break-in is real, very real, really real. Cheers,
@psickerson No, I own a Gungnir Multibit (aka Gumby), but have a handful of local friends who own Yggys and I listen to them regularly. The break-in is so dramatic that it is counter-productive to listen for the first few hours and draw any conclusions. 
This issue cracks me up in how often I read reviews where the writer listens to gear, points out a flaw, lets it break in, then says that the problem went away. I guess if they didn't do that those writers might not be able to fill their columns. Cheers,
Does break in mean just turn it on or does it need to have:
1). a source cd/streamer running attached yggy?
2) output of yggy attached to amp?
3). Amplifer on
4). Speakers attached to Amp

It is a strange requirement and I have not seen what is actually required for break in

Id prefer to not leave my tube amp running for no reason.