A.J. Conti of Basis Audio has passed away.

A. J.  Conti   59 years old , owner of  Basis Audio  has died suddenly.  Analog will never be the same, he will be missed.    Shocking ....   one the last of the Good Guys.
Massive heart attack.  Basis Audio website  posted  details about the status of the company.
Hello Jeff. I agree A.J. will be missed and he will be missed on multiple levels bigtime. I liked your mention of precise knowledge as precise and precision indeed and in part defined him and the wonderful turntables and tonearms he produced.

Per your questions: yes, there are people taking over Basis Audio and A.J. always a health nut had an unexpected and massive heart attack. For mention of these details see the Basis Facebook page and Michael Fremer's website with links to below:



This is a huge loss for analog turntable lovers. AJ was a brilliant designer who focused on precision and sound in the design of his his excellent turntables. I've owned several Debuts in the last twenty  five years or so and they have brought great pleasure.

He was a gentleman too, and very patient with endless questions about all things analog. 

Very, very sad. 
I saw this first now. What a shock!
A great loss for the music lovers that want to hear "the truth".
Allways the best boys, leaving first.