A.J. Conti of Basis Audio has passed away.

A. J.  Conti   59 years old , owner of  Basis Audio  has died suddenly.  Analog will never be the same, he will be missed.    Shocking ....   one the last of the Good Guys.
This is a huge loss for analog turntable lovers. AJ was a brilliant designer who focused on precision and sound in the design of his his excellent turntables. I've owned several Debuts in the last twenty  five years or so and they have brought great pleasure.

He was a gentleman too, and very patient with endless questions about all things analog. 

Very, very sad. 
I saw this first now. What a shock!
A great loss for the music lovers that want to hear "the truth".
Allways the best boys, leaving first. 
I thought this would be a better  year than last year as one of my favorite actors Leonard Nimoy (Spock) passed last year.
I commented in the other AJ thread but wanted to weigh in here also.  A real shame, such a passion for his trade, a gentleman and first class cusomer service skills.  RIP.