VPI Prime noise issue solved (wasn't the Prime's fault:)

Thanks to everyone for all of the suggestions as I wrestled with my VPI Prime hum issues.  Turned out it had nothing to do with the table.  The one part of my system I forgot to mention was the Eagle PSU speed control.   Apparently the unit causes all of the hum.  I bought it at the same time as the Prime, so I just hooked it all up together.  Tonight I plugged the VPI straight into the wall - almost dead silence.  

Too bad that the speed control causes so much noise (I tried different PCs, outlets, positioning, etc.).  

Thanks for all the help!
You owe VPI an apology. You really made them look bad to many future purchasers of turntables!
"You owe VPI an apology."

Scott bought a demo from an authorized dealer. So his dealer owes him, and maybe VPI, an apology for not helping him diagnose the problem. If his dealer was doing his job this would never have been posted on a board. 
Call Goodyear while you're at it and apologize to them as well. It was the nails fault the tire went flat. And remember, it was only flat on the bottom. Any other tire would have went completely flat.