What are the smallest speakers that are clean and flat down to 20hz?

Also what bass driver or drivers do they use?

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Hartley 18" and/or 24" subs might be flat to 20 Hz. Everything else is a pig in a poke.
Compensating with equalization is then analogous to using performance enhancing drugs. that is assuming the amp and speakers can handle it.

imo - The smart speaker manufacturer realizes most rooms do not support 20 hz, and builds this EQ into the speakers design for the full range models. The speakers can handle it if they were designed to. In some cases this changes the load the speaker is looking for and actually makes them easier for the amp. I can give an example if you like.

No small loudspeaker can output 20hz flat. And if you designed one that did its output would be so low to be of no use. 
I think this is something that would require high end PA gear comparable to a touring system, to create any legit reproduction of 20 Hz flat response or not..