Best Sounding Passive Preamp

What is the best sounding inexpensive passive preamp? I may have to send my preamp in for repair which could take a while and I don't want to be without music. My top priority is sound, but I don't want to spent a lot of money as I will be putting my preamp back in system upon return. Help please.
Slowhand, if I might intrude, thanks in advance:

M Brown, I own the SYS. Currently use it with a Dynaco ST-70. Have not compared it to my Jolida Fusion all tube pre in my primary system.  Also own the Schiit Valhalla all tube headphone amp. Would like to know what you think of this new Schiit passive/tube active.
I have spent a frustrating evening trying to hook up my Schitt Saga passive/tube active preamp, which arrived today. It is so passive I can't get any sound out of it. I emailed Schitt and got a pretty quick reply from Nick L, but only to ask questions re muting and if I had bad interconnects. I have good interconnects, I am listening via those same interconnects to my Transcendent Preamp,and Eric Clapton sounds really nice on my Audio Nirvana modified Thorens 125. I have checked my right to right left to left on all inputs and outputs. Fooled with every input on the Saga with the cool little remote: Nada, nada, nada. 
More will be revealed, but not tonight!

Michael, thanks for the info. Hope to hear that Schiit takes care of you.  No sound either passive or active? 
I was just too dumb to hook the Saga up. I started all over again and followed directions, for a change, and despite my learning disabilities, got it successfully inputted and outputted.
The sound is quite refined both buffered and non-buffered. I don't know if Schitt is a tongue in cheek operation, making fun of the whole audio circus; in any event, I like the sound. My Transcendent tube pre was,by comparison, blurred and lacking air with more pronounced peaks in both voices and instruments, especially guitar. I had a CD over my PSAudio Lambda transport and Classe DAC 1--and 180 gram vinyl Eric Clapton's "Unplugged"..
Still listening, no doubt I'm sticking with the Saga. For $350? Come on Man!! What's not to like?