How often is your system "good"?

In a recent article in Stereophile, the author wrote, "When my system is good, it forces me to appreciate artists and songs I'd never noticed before."

My presumption is that the author meant that his system sounds better some days than it does others.   I think this is an accepted fact.  I believe my system does better early in the morning and late at night due to power constraints.  I have a voltage meter on one of my outlets and I feel better about the sound when the voltage isn't sagging.  

My question for readers here is how often is your system good?   And to what do you attribute the goodness of your system from one day to the next? 
I guess I'd ask the question another way "how often is your system 'off' "

My answer to that is more often than I'd like, maybe 10% of the time, but the reason for being off is usually that something has been upset in the setup -- more often than not something in the record player (such as the unipivot being off its point for example, or the VTF drifting from spec). It can also happen with digital, such as inadvertently switching a filter setting, or even with the cables such as forgetting to replace a cable riser

A key ability every audiophile needs is the ability to quickly spot if something is off and to then zero in on the issue and correct it. I never hold with those that seem to think their system needs many hours to warm up or only sounds good at certain times of day - frankly if that's the case why bother, don't we really want to just be able to turn it on and immerse ourselves in the music straight away -- and if it sounds even better once warmed up that's a bonus?
M. Ward?  Mike Ward?  

My system sounds better some days, and I'm ready to admit it's entirely due to my mindset before I sit down to listen.  Except for that one time, when I'd accidentally pressed the phase button on the preamp remote.  :-)
Hi cymbop, not me sorry.   I agree with what you're saying about mindset though, and I also believe there are human physical variables that make some days better than others.  The human ears play a big part in a good listening session.   Some days I think I can hear better than others, just like some days I think my eyes can see better than others. 
No doubt the quality of the power we receive from the local utility company varies.  I do not find that the quality of my sound varies anymore.  For me, the magic bullet is the power regenerator that all of my components receive juice from save my power amplifier which receives filtered power.  I know the regenerator/conditioner issue is a controversial one.  I only relate my experience including right now as my sound is great.  Prior to the regenerator, I experienced what many other audiophiles relate...that their sound is best late at night.  The implication being that fewer devices are in use on the utility line and hence there is less distortion feeding the system.

As long as things stay as they are here, I won't change a thing.  If performance changes at some point, then I'll need to adapt and work to find a solution.  Life is too short for compromised sound due to the quality of the electricity we feed our systems.

I work outside and when the weather and pressure changes so does my hearing acuity.  I wear earplugs often and that affects my high freq perception by making things seem bright.