Help me get started again. Tube amp...

I had a full on audio addiction up until about 10 years ago when my first child entered the world and my priorities changed.

Now as my kids are spending more time with their friends and in activities I find my time at home wishing I had a system to appreciate.

Luckily I still have some little Stirling Broadcast LS3/5a V2 tucked in a corner, a nice little passive preamp stored in a drawer and a sudden CD player that has been playing Disney music faithfully.

I need pair a tube amp and I may even get some Vinyl.

My first little tube amps (which I sold here and wish I still had them) were VTL tiny triodes (the late version) and then I had fun playing with all kinds of ST-70 circuits.  The VTL was better but rolling up my sleeves and redoing the ST-70s was great.

Since I have been out so long I have no clue what is what.  I could use some direction for a lower priced tube amp to get me started.

It was recommended to me to look for Audion 300B Silver Knight mono-blocks or Rogers E-20 or E-40 amps from Doug Stirling.  Finding these is perhaps not as easy in good working order and at a cost I like.

Any thoughts on how to best start up my addiction again?
Finale Audio (Triode Labs) out of Toronto is making some wonderful amp’s for reasonable pricing and with the US-Canadian exchange it makes it even better. All made in north America too. with some great upgrades like James, Hashimoto, Triode labs transformers. they have new integrated amps starting at around $1500. and they are wonderful.
I'm kind of a kit addict-
ST 120 was fun, so I built one of the VTA 6SN7 preamps to go w it, hard to go wrong w any of Bruce's OTLs.
Good luck in your quest!
Chris, to the best of my knowledge the RM-200's higher 4 ohm output is unique in the world of tube amps. I wonder how Roger achieved THAT engineering feat! Clever designer, and really swell fella.
Get a used Primaluna. Sold my first 2 and moved up the product line. Even the early little Prologues are solid.

i am a lover of the LS3/5a, having purchased original rogers in the mid 70s and held them for 25 years until college funding caused me to liquidated everything.  i had owned many amps over that tiem period, and (due to their small size) brought the speakers into many audio salons to listen to still more electronics.  if you are like me, it is about the midrange and the great soundstage.  

i have found that el34 tube amps are the best match for the ls3/5a.  they bring out the best of its characteristics.  i had settled into the conrad johnson el34 amps, which gave them the most warmth.  however, i have not listened to CJ current versions.

when i got back into audio a few years ago after my kids were all gone, i wnet with proac mini monitors instead of the ls3/5a.  not sure if it was the right decision, but, here i am.  the amp i fell in love with is the primaluna dialogue premium. i have the hp (high power) version which runs  4 el34s per channel in stereo mode. the amp can be used as a mono block, giving a good step up oportunity in the future.  while this model is the best of the primaluna amps and costs $3500 new, their prologue series are less expensive and can be found used, especially if you want their integrated amp versions. 

you might consider the integrated primaluna as, especailly with the ls3/5a, the tube preamp will be a big improvemtn over almost all passive preamps, based upon  my past experience.

good luck.  as someone who was out of audio for a while, it is great to be backmlistening again! enjoy!