Joule Electra

After buying my J E LA-100 new 25 years ago, it is finally in need of repair. I have consulted the website; the e-mail address is no longer valid. I have phoned the number listed; it is disconnected. Jud's home number is also out of service. Does anyone know if they are still in business? I'd like to be able to get in touch with them.

Still love my 25 year old LA-100s.

First preamp that for me really "set the notes free".

Highly musical. Warm 3D midrange, full bass, detailed throughout..

For folks looking for a information resource on Joule-Electra gear, I have  expanded a page on my web-site with various information I have collected over the years. On this page are copies of various product literature, white papers, show hand-outs, reviews etc from my files or found on-line. I don't have product manuals scanned and uploaded yet, but those will also be added to the page in due time. Here is a link to the page:

Rich Brkich
Signature Sound