Are there any $1500 tube preamps that that can compare with Tubes4hifi's SP14?

Reviews on the Tubes4hifi's SP14 are consistently positive and so many people are blown away by them.  I haven't heard one but I want one. I want to upgrade and would like to know if there other ones that can hold up against the SP14 at the $1500 price point. 
Hi , I have the Rogue RP-1. I spent $250 on 1 pair of Telefunken Tecktronix 12au7's after spending $130, on a pair and JAN RCA tripple mica blackplates and $100 on a Silnote cord . I haven't tried the phono stage , and the headphone stage is not tube driven and is a little lacking . So you pay $1600 for a nine pin setup and have to replace the $25 a pair JJ's. I'm cosidering Dons amp and a pair of Bob Latino 125's. But I think I'll be at about $2500 with upgrades with Bob.  Happy Listening . PS, I'm MID FI AND HAPPY 😊 

Another shout out for Don Sachs.

I have had the absolute enjoyment of his SP-14 Model 2 for about 6 months now.
Yes, as all have mentioned Don is a stand up guy to deal with. Even more important though is that he is a master at selecting just the right parts to make this great design really sing.

I am running the Bob Latino ST 120 amp which I love. That said Don's amp looks to be even more of the same has been on my mind.
I haven't heard any $1500 tube preamp that can compare with a "tweaked" Tubes4hifi's SP14. By "tweaked" I mean put some better parts in it - Duelund/Jupiter/V-Cap output caps, good quality resistors in the signal path, better components for the PS, good attenuator, Shuguang CV181 tubes, etc. The price would go up from $1500, but you would have a preamp that can easily compare with a lot more expensive preamps. If you are into DIY you can buy the kit from Tubes4hifi and upgrade components yourself. Otherwise you can go to Don and get his version. 
Following up @charles1dad comment, I too think a comparison between Don Sachs and Linear Tube Audio (LTA) ZOTL preamplifiers would be very interesting indeed. As a side note, the Tube Research Lab (TRL) Dude is another 6SN7-based design

After exchanging a few emails with Don, I got the sense that he is not only quite knowledgeable and generous with his ideas, but he’s also a very modest guy … a real professional. At the same time, I had hoped he might weigh into the discussion regarding any similarities/differences between his approach and ZOTL from a technical perspective. In the end, I suppose all we really care about is “how does it sound?”

Having just read Teajay’s (Terry London) Home Theater review of the LTA MZ2-S line stage, all I could say is “wow”. What I found particularly compelling was his comparison to the Van Alstine AVA FET Valve CF, along with a host of other well-known and much more expensive preamps. On the other side we have @whitestix experience with Don Sachs’ SP-14 outperforming an equally impressive line-up. Wouldn’t it be great if someone (Teajay?) could get a hold of both units for a head-to-head shootout and review?  

In terms of features – and just looking at the MZ2-S - Teajay goes on to list a few High Points and Low Points in his review. Based on what I would consider for my own purposes, I’d go a step further in comparing the SP-14 versus the MZ2-S:  1) The MZ2-S is multipurpose … functioning as a preamp, an integrated, or a headphone amp. So one could add a set of high-efficiency speakers and be good to go; 2) The SP-14 allows up to 6 inputs, including the ability to swap out a couple for HT pass-through and balanced/XLR. In this case you would have 4 RCA inputs +XLR input +HT.  The MZ2-S has a limit of 3 inputs; all single-ended with no HT option. 3) The SP-14 has 2 sets of pre-outs to easily add a subwoofer. The MZ2-S has 1 set; and 4) both have remote control options, neither allow for built-in phono stage (like the AVA FET). All things considered, I’d opt for the Don Sachs SP-14.

These are just a few thoughts I wanted share on the subject. Thanks for reading. I hope the folks who I mentioned don’t mind. It’s just that I always try to defer to those with firsthand, or should I say “first-ear” experience. That said, even though I have not personally heard either of these preamps, I have a very strong feeling I’d be quite happy with either one.

Happy Listening!