Streaming Tidal - What hardware is out there beyond the Bluesound

Bluesound Node 1 has been great with streaming Tidal. I’ve upgraded my system and believe that I can likely do better with the sound quality. This is especially given that Tidal is adding more and more hi def music.

I’m thinking the Bluesound Node 2 as the natural upgrade. I would like to know if there are other options to get the best sound. I can’t spend more than $500 on the equipment.


Magnepan MG .7
Audible Illusions Modulus 2d
Bryston 4b-st amp
Rythmik f12 sub
Bluesound Node
Tidal streaming
Good question amritash and one I answered for myself a while back. I replaced my Mac mini with a Bluesound Node 2 and have been much happier without the endless round of updates served by Apple/Amarra/Audirvana/etc. The sound quality of the Node 2 is at least on par with my Mac. The DAC in the Node 2 is pretty good and if/when you want to upgrade, you can purchase an outboard DAC as funds allow. I think the Node 2 is hard to beat at its price point.
The Bluesound makes it so easy to connect different rooms and also stream high quality music.
I had Airfoil previously, but the Bluesound is much better.
I've found out that the bluesound node 1 and 2 have the same quality sound.  I should have said that I was interested in getting the most out of their new MQA Masters.  So, if the bluesound node 1 can open the MQA which they can then perhaps I can upgrade the sound by adding a nicer DAC to it?  
I know many music lovers use a pc/mac to stream music but in my opinion they are a terrible choice and a lot of people spend all kinds of extra money trying to fix the "dirty" USB or jitter issues, buying USB isolators, reclockers, purifiers, silver USB cables...etc. Funny thing is that many end up paying the same amount of money as buying a quality music server like an Aurender or a Melco.  My advice is to save the trouble and invest in a good music server/streamer with linear power and a built in audio quality USB bus.  I stream Tidal through an Aurender N100H connected to an Ayre Codex via AQ Coffee USB cable and I get excellent sound, no USB isolator or purifer needed.  Not as good as the Aurender but the Bluesound devices seems to be pretty good as well.  Good luck!