I need a good Preamp

My current system:
Preamp:           MAC C2300
Amps:              Krell FPB 350mcx mono blocks
Speakers:        B+W 801 Series II

My MAC C2300 just quit working and really I need it in another room to pair with a MAC MC452 once it gets repaired. So, I need suggestions on what will mate up well with my Krells? I would like to spend $8k or less but I would consider going higher. I am thinking a line stage even though I did use the phono on the MAC some. I plan to add a phono amp to my system later. I just play cds with this system. Reading on this forum I sort of lean towards a used ARC 5SE or maybe a Cary SLP05 but I am open to suggestions. There are no audio shops close to me so I will be buying without getting to demo anything. I'm not too knowledgeable on stereo gear so I need some help. Thanks for the responses.
@wemfan,  Atma-Sphere produced the first balanced line products for high end audio. That was back in the mid 1980s.
BTW wemfan, Atmaspere makes a simple 6SN7 based preamp that can include a  phonostage  (MM I think"?).  You can always pickup a MC stage.  You know Graham Slee makes affordable excellent phono stages. I own the Gram amp 2 SE, its great.  No financial or other relation ship with either vendor mentioned.. 
Have you tried a Krell preamp? there is a synergy to components that are designed to work together. I have had a KSA200s and a FPB300, and have used them both with a updated Counterpoint SA5000 and a Krell KRC 3. In the end I chose the Krell KRC 3. I to listen to loud rock as well as solo piano. I did not miss the warm wooly feel of tubes.
I have not heard one yet,  but the PS Audio BHK preamp is the only one on my wish list.  I currently run the BHK amp, and use PS Audio's DSD DAC and their new DMP player, so i am a PS guy for sure.  great stuff for the money,  made in the USA,  and their customer service is awesome.