Has anyone considered rebuying a speaker you once owned??

I am curious if any one has ever considered buying a speaker previously owned and liked, but decided to either downsize or look for a "different" type of sound. 

I ask because I purchased a pair of Acoustic Zen Adagios speakers about 5-6 years ago, and decided to downsize the system with a less heavy speaker that was easier to move around.  The Adagios were 80 lbs each.  I currently own a pair Golden Ear Technology model 7 speakers (purchased in 2014)  which are smaller and lighter at 37 lbs each. The Adagios are 50 inches tall, and the GET 7's are 40inches with a slimmer profile. 

I realize the Adagios  are almost three and a half times more expensive than GET 7's. which are $1395. They can sound very good, but I have come to realize they are not in the same league sound quality wise as AZ Adagios. and  may possibly be the best speaker I ever owned.   Of course, hindsight or hindsound is a wonderful thing.    Thanks,  SJ   




I had to give up my Gallo Reference 3.1's back in 2007. In the interim, listened to mid level Paradigm, JBL and a pair of Meadowlark Shearwaters until last year when I found and bought a Gallo Ref 3.5's right here on Agon. I'll keep them until my hearing goes. I'm happy again. :)

Yeah,  ESS AMT, ESS LS5, EPI 500, EPI 350, EPI 250's.  I really liked the original Heil driver and the EPI inverted dome 'air spring' tweeter.  If you had the amplifier power (at the time I did) the EPI 350's could really cook..


I just keep them all. (or give them to close family members) Running out of room, so any new addition will require a subtraction. Also, it's getting to be a pain to drag the oldies out and play them for a few days to keep the surrounds spry. But I don't think I could ever part with my BA T-830s. They taught me so much. And from what I've seen on eBay, not many understand what a hidden gem the old Genesis Physics speakers are.
After literally decades of searching for the perfect speakers it finally occurred to me that there is no such thing.  As such, I let logic play a role in my speaker selection and decided that what I would pursue would be the same speakers that were used to master some of my favorite recordings.

With my budget at the time, I couldn't jump right into the Nautilus 800s so I started on a lower rung and moved my way up through the entire product catalog over the years.

Although I'm very fortunate to have finally achieved my ultimate goal, there were two particular Bowers and Wilkins models over the progression that truly amazed me with what they were able to convey for so little money- And if I ever find myself in a situation that I need to downsize for financial reasons (knock on wood) I'd pursue these again:

Nautilus 703

Shockingly good for the money and literally put the smaller 800s to shame (803, 804, etc.)

So yeah - in a pinch?  Definitely without hesitation.


Miss my Carver Amazing Loudspeakers . Do to relocation and some downsizing and had to go to stand mounts instead of floor standers.I still dream of owning another pair someday .Listened to a lot of speakers and the Carvers just did it for me .