Top integrated with MC phono section

Looking for a top integrated that has an outstanding MC phono section.  I love tubes but would also open to solid state.  Budget $10,000 - $15,000 new or used.  Anyone heard the Audio Research Gsi75?  Gryphon Diablo?  Open to suggestions!
I am not sure that Gryphon has dealers in the US yet. But there is a distributor - On A Higher Note. I have no idea of the US prices either. I suggest you talk to them. For solid state choice with MC phono, MM/MC is optional in Gryphon, I don't think you can do much better. But I am not familiar with Swiss brands like DarTZeel and others.
No, I didn't audition current Gryphon line.
Heard the GSi75 but not with a turntable. McIntosh integrateds used to have very good phono sections. Not sure about the new ones.
Save a lot  look at Rogue Audio Pharaoh. Tube front end ,SS power and great Phono Stage .175 watts @ 8ohms! Built like a TANK!!!!!