Need suggestions for streaming files to my stereo

Hello everyone. I'm looking for a way to stream files (AAC, ALAC, FLAC) to my home stereo. The files are on my PC laptop, or on iTunes on my iPhone etc. I pretty much exhausted my budget on my power amp and speakers so Im looking for the best budget pieces I can afford to get the music flowing for now. I currently have Kef ks50s, a Red Dragon S500, a SMSL Sanskrit, and a Google Chromecast Audio.   I'll likely pick up a Schiit SYS preamp. 

With this current setup I can only pretty much stream Pamdora, since Itunes won't work with the CCA.   It's looking like the lowest cost option available is to use different software to handle the music files such as JRiver, or PowerDVD Ultra, but I'm unsure if this is the best way?  Any other ideas, software, hardware etc?  I have an insanely low budget of around $200 left to buy the rest, let's see what you guys can think of. 
One reason not to use Bluesound: Seems to be single band WiFI.

If you can use ethernet, no problem. But most apartment dwellers are saturated with WIfi signals in the 2.4GHz band. 5GHz is far more reliable. Wired Ethernet even more so.


@erik_squires - re:

One reason not to use Bluesound: Seems to be single band WiFI.

But most apartment dwellers are saturated with WIfi signals in the 2.4GHz band. 5GHz is far more reliable. Wired Ethernet even more so.
That issue applies to all streaming devices - not just Bluesound - correct?

Or is it Bluesound’s higher res capability that creates problems more than others when using wireless?

I know I have issues playing 24/192 wirelessly, but 24/96 is fine - then again,  I have an old wireless router


Yes, to all devices. It's just that no wifi device should be single band anymore. Dual band has been around for several years.

Just something to watch out for. I have a SB Touch which I am using, but just added a 5GHz repeater to help with the signal reliability.


audioquest dragonfly black if your using your computer or Red if your using a handheld device. $200 USB DAC uses your current computer and makes it sound a whole lot better. when your budget allows for more elaborate set up you can keep the Dragonfly for head phones.