Tekton Speakers,Who owns them and what did you replace and why.

Now obviously this thread has been started for the owners of any current model of Tekton speakers and if you haven't at least heard them keep your speculation to yourself.If you have heard or owned any current model and decided they aren't for you I would like to read your opinion as well.

This thread is intended for learning and furthering the enjoyment of music playback in our homes.

I own the Double Impacts myself and I will add bits of my story as this thread progresses,most of which has been posted in other threads,I want to hear from others.

Let her ripp,

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Very nice assessment of 2 very nice speakers.
Would you say the DI's sound is very musical and engaging and you just enjoy the music and don't even think about putting on the audiophile hat.

That's how it is for me and they make it much harder to review any gear upstream of them.


Fair enough but could you point out where I speculated.

I'm the kind of person that likes to get out and about and listen to all kinds of gear.

I'm here to learn and also help others learn if possible and I really don't like silly confrontations.

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Yes, that is a pretty fair summary of what I am trying to say. When I try new things in my system--whether it is a DAC, a pair of interconnects, an amp, speakers, or anything else--it all comes down to how engaged I am in listening to the music. If I am more focused on the performances and the emotion of the music than I am on determining and quantifying the specific and relative sonic characteristics of the gear, then I know I have a winner. That is why I think the Double Impacts are winners. When I listen through them, I am more focused on the music than the speakers, if that makes sense. I'd rather appreciate Bill Evans than tweeters.