DACs and bass response?

I'm auditioning dacs in my system. One (COS) was way to analytical, overall, but had very tight bass. Another (Aqua La Voce) is what some would describe as "musical"  and sounds  terrific in all aspects except bass. My cdp alone does better in that regard. I have monitors and no subs. Can I expect that dacs that are hyper-detailed will also offer tighter bass as a rule?
I've owned several DAC's to date and some were more on the "thin" side in terms of Bass and others were a bit "thicker".

I have a hunch that the power supply design and how well its isolated from the rest of the sensitive pieces play a pretty big role here.

Of all the DAC's I've tried to date the best ones have been from EMM Labs/Meitner when it comes to deep/textured and clean bass output. I hear DCS is also very good in this area but I've not had the opportunity to hear that for myself, yet.
Totaldac has the best and most focused bass I have ever heard. It is also the most analog sounding digital I have heard.
@luizfcoimba: this is a demo unto supplied by a dealer who assured me it was well burned in. Overall, it sounds wonderful. . . except for the lack of bass, that is. 

@eniac26, paul79, I'm pretty sure I cannot afford Totaldac, Meitner or DCS but thanks for the suggestions. 

Does every component in a system have to add the designers interpretation of accuracy ? Is there not a measurement for bass so we are getting the correct amount of bass on a recording ?