HIGH end 7 channel amp

Hi, I am in search of some of the best 7 channel amps. Unfortunately it needs to be 7 channels. Many good amps on the market only have 5 or less channels which leaves quite a few out of the equation

Then theres the many companys that make 6 channel amps??? Are not all procesors 5.1 or 7.1. I don't get that but thats for another discussion.

I have been intersted in the....

Mcintosh mc-207
EAD powermaster 7300
Lexicon lx-7
Integra research rda-7
Arcam fmj p7
Sim audio Titan
Halcro mc70

I have no interest in the....


Again, it needs to be 7 channel. I am looking for a neutral or warmer then neutral amp. Thanks for your help.

When I run surround with the two side and two back speakers, I will get (depending on recording of course) different sounds from the rear/side left and rear/side right. From what I have noticed, what differintiates the rear to side is more of a delay type thing to give the effect of more bigger and enveloping surround. I thought of it as what dolby surround was with traditional two channel recorded movies. This is of course if its the traditional 5.1, cause the rare 6.1 is a different ballgame. Of course, I could be wrong in that thinking.

Back to the forum topic, a seperate two channel or 3 mono blocks for the front channels would be my prefered way of amplifing, but that often requires much space. I have one shelf set aside for 1 amp, thus a 7 channel.
Just curious: Have you auditioned a good 5.1 vs a good 7.1? I have and am not impressed with the 7.1. To me, it just does not add anything. I do have to qualify that I'm into music video concerts not really into movies. I can say for movies (eg Twister, Jurassiac Park, etc) my 5.1 (rear speakers, not sides)rig sounds better than the local cinemas! Only my 2 cents
Madhf, I think you have a valid point. Though I would say I did get some decent results going up to 7.1

It was not night and day, but I did notice more of a larger, enveloping surround sound. My system stayed 5.1 for several months, till I could get some time and install some proper side surrounds. Just as I heard improvments when I could finally download prologic IIx from prologic II in my surround processor. It was just a tad more enveloping.

I would say that it does make a bigger difference for active surround movies then any music type concerts.
From my own experience when I expanded from 5.1 to 7.1, I found 7.1 provides a much more enveloping surround environment. I specifically noticed this with movies, as I was disappointed with 5.1 in my room.

I also listen to DVD concerts, and find 7.1 very enveloping for those, but never did a 5.1 versus 7.1 comparison with DVD concerts.

There is potential for 7.1 sources from HD-DVD and BD-DVD. Otherwise, you need DPLIIx and / or Logic 7 to generate 7.1 distinct outputs from normally available source material like 2.0 and 5.1.

DPLIIx / Logic 7 redistribute the surround information across 4 surrounds verus 2 surrounds for 7.1 versus 5.1. With 4 suround speakers, you can have sounds intended to be heard to the side come from the side, sounds intended to be heard from the rear come from the rear, and various combinations. Its pretty hard to do that with only 2 surround speakers as they can't be in two places at once.

I don't think room size is an issue in deciding on 5.1 versus 7.1. My room is relatively small at 13' x 17' x 9.5', and 7.1 works very well.

However, room layout can be a factor. If your seating is against the back wall for example, then 7.1 is not a good choice. If you look at Dolby's recommended speaker layout for a 7.1 listening array, the rears should be behind the listening area and spaced about + and - 160 deg from top center (sides should be + and - 90 degress). If you don't have room to place the rear speakers behind the listening position, spaced out along the back wall, then 7.1 is not a good choice.
