Full-sounding SS amps (besides Pass)

Speaker interactions aside, what solid state amp brands/designers tend to have a fuller sound these days? Not necessarily warm or tubey per se, but fleshed out in the upper bass and harmonically complete in the midrange, as opposed to lean. E.g. an Australian ME Sound amp I have from a while back has this quality, without sounding overtly warm. 

Obvious candidates: Pass, Luxman. What else?

Cost no object, feel free to throw out one-liners. Think of it as a poll.  (Please don't answer tubes though, thanks. :D )
Not necessarily warm or tubey per se, but fleshed out in the upper bass and harmonically complete in the midrange, as opposed to lean.


The amplifiers are designed to be dedicated mono blocks and most use them as such, there is just the convenience that you can run one as a stereo amplifier.  The idea was way back when we started making Amplifiers (1998) that the customer could start with one amp then later get a second one.   The offerings back then were the Whitney, Denali and Everest with the Companion K2 preamplifier. These could be driven in "bridged" mode as you call it - where the inverting amplifier (with positive input grounded) is driven by the negative side of the non inverting amplifier.  However sound quality improved when driven balanced with a fully balanced preamplifier like the K2.

The newer series of amplifiers, (which started with the Mini Olympia, ca 2004) is  based upon our ALL-FET circuit which needs both nodes driven when using as a mono block - i.e the inverting amplifiers positive input needs signal. So a balanced input signal is required.  We only make fully balanced preamplifiers, even in the Liberty Lineup.

The power output quadruple when using them as mono blocks, obviously the output impedance will be twice that of a single channel but since we don't use any source resistors because of tightly matched output devices, the output impedance is vanishingly low.   

Most all our customers use our amplifiers a dedicated mono blocks, everything improves, coherence, speed,  dynamics  both micro and macro.   

Good Listening 

Constellation. I believe they're making some the finest amps in the world right now.