Modwright Preamp Owners.

I am asking which preamp you replaced with your Modwright LS100. In addition what preamp replaced your Modwright LS100?
I replaced my Juicy Music Blueberry XTreme with an LS100. I eventually replaced my LS100 with a Modwright 36.5 which I'm currently running. I really liked the 6H30 tube in the JM, but the LS100 did EVERYTHING better than it by a good margain, but I found the LS100 a bit on the warm side for my liking with my amps.

I rolled a lot of 6SN7's through it and could never tame what seemed like bass bloat to me. I thought if the 36.5 does all the good stuff the LS100 did, but with the more linear response of the 6H30 tube then it would be perfect.

It's still in my system. I love my 36.5.

- Woody
thanks, that's kind of what I'm hearing. I am using an Audio Research LS17SE. But I thought about a modwright with a phono section.
Thanks for the insight on the LS 100.

I went from an Audio Research Ls-15 to MW 36.5 years ago.  Huge improvement.  No doubt the separate MW power supply would improve things, and I guess one might find a preamp which suits his taste slightly more, with an infinite budget.   Better ergonomics can be had.  Considering that an improvement would run $5 - 20K,   I have no desire to upgrade from the 36.5.   
The LS100 is the first preamp I tried and it remains in my main system. I am partial to the sound of 6sn7s, and at least in my experience I have not found bass bloat while using either Black Treasure CV181s, Sophia Electric 6sn7s, or NOS Sylvania 6sn7s. 

I have owned my LS 100 since 2011 and have no desire to change it. Before that I had a number of line stages ( Melos, Simaudio, Audible Illusions, Audio Note M zero) and passive preamps, none stayed in my system as long as the LS 100.