Newbie Looking for Advice on Streaming Music

Hello Audiogon world.

I am new to this hobby but I think it will suit me well as it looks like it is an endless pursuit of perfection of sound without ever really getting there.  I love the endless possibilities, difference in thought, technology driven aspect mixed with old school art.

I am in the process of building my first 2 channel set up and recently picked up a Primaluna Dialogue HP and a pair of Sonus Faber Chameleons for starters.

Im looking to stream music from Tidal to the new equipment as simple as possible without compromising sound as much as I possibly can (budget permitting of course)

I have been doing some research and I must say this part of the equation is rather confusing with a lot of technical speak that gets brought into the discussion which is a bit overwhelming for a newbie trying to soak it all in.

Do I need to purchase a high quality DAC?
Can I just buy a streaming box like the Paradigm PW Link or Def Tech W Adapt and hook it into the Primaluna?
Do I go with the Halide Design DAC HD D/A Converter from computer straight into Primaluna?
I also read about the wyred4sound modified Sonos Connect.  Does that plus into a DAC or straight into Amp?

Apologies for all the newbie questions.  I did try searching and doing some research but found myself getting confused.  If someone could help me clear up what I will need that will set me on the path to researching the best value for my budget for each component I will need to accomplish my goals of streaming my music from Tidal.

Thanks in advance.  I think this will be a fun hobby!


Don it's one thing to get music out of a "box" and another to have it sound good. Many devices, the Blue Sound Node, I use an Auralic Aries Mini, will output sound, a good DAC will make that sound better. And presumably $20K DACs sound amazing but nothing you need to worry about, there are tons of DACs out there at a variety of price ranges.

Understood and I appreciate the point you are making which is "good sound" is all relative.  I guess what I am trying to figure out is, what is the appropriate level of component to pair with the stuff I have already purchased?

Is hooking up a bluesound appropriate for the amp and speaker combo I have?

The other hobby I have is race cars.  Id align this with putting a set up cheap tires on a high performance car. 
If you had a honda civic, you could go with budget tires.  
If you have a mercedes, you could go with mid range tires
If you have a ferrari, you more than likely want to go with high end tires.

Is my gear I already purchased the honda civic, the mercedes or somewhere in between? 

Should I invest my money first in a good quality DAC first (for which I can hook up a laptop to) then look for a streaming box after? 

Thanks for the advice thus far.  Im learning a ton

Thanks jl35

Looks like the Oppo Sonica might be the sweet spot?  Looks like I can hook up my laptop and stream from Tidal.  Is the level of component appropriate for the amp and speakers I have already purchased?
Blue Sound is one option. There are many. 

Auralic has reduced pricing on their current new units (new releases on the way) so you could step up from the mini and get a unit with the DAC built in.

There are many terrific DACs on the market, at very reasonable prices, should you want a stand alone DAC.

I'd look at this as the start of a journey. You'll decide how far and deep you go. I'd be super excited, and it sounds like you are! Welcome to Audiogon.