WAVAC With Avantgarde?

I am thinking about the WAVAC MD-805s monoblocks, the PR-T1 line stage, paired with Avantgarde Dous. However, I have heard the WAVAC is too "noisy" for the Dous. Any thoughts?
Ag insider logo xs@2xcocozhou
Just curious...why do you need 55 watt monoblocks to drive the Avantgardes? With the efficiency of these speakers, isn't this overkill?
Heard the WAVAC amp (not sure which, their $19k model) and pre-amp driving a pair of Venture speakers (second or third down from top model) in the WAVAC room at CES. Amazing sound and very, very real vocals. Sorry I can't remember the models, information overload.
I sell both WAVAC and Avantgarde Duos. I demo the 805's with the Duos or Trios, which are even more sensitive to noise. You have to be within 1 foot to hear any tube noise....not an issue.
How would you describe a Trio (ctrl sub) /EC300b pairing?
Do you think the Trios would work at their best with an ec300b?