One of the best HDMI cable?

Could any member enlighten me on some of the outstanding HDMI cables? Thanks.
Watching Lawrence of Arabia on my new LG Smart TV using the Audioquest Carbon HDMI cable I mentioned earlier. You know, one of the ones controlled for directionality. Spectacular color, very film like. And this is just the exclusive limited edition DVD. 😛
I own 3 AQ Diamond hdmi cables, and they are great. But.........this year there will come a new hdmi cable of AQ and is called Dragon. They said to me it outperformed the Diamond with ease. They will send me a demo soon. I am very curious about it. The material is totally different, optical fiber.
@highstream   Have you tried your cable box isolator with OTA signals? Wondering if you have and whether there is any upside? Thanks.
CATV isolators almost a must - cable and dish companies often use separate grounding (as well as roof OTA antenna) for safety reasons, and as result unavoidable ground loops and hum of various degree. So I would install it no matter what. The only issue is dish, powered by receiver - then you will have to install separate power supply for your antenna, as isolator will break low volt signal coming from receiver to dish. Satellite service provider installed separate power for me for free by my request.
I have another observation - most UHD players and even OPPO 105 have separate outputs for HDMI video 4K and audio. In theory it is done to support older receivers/processors, which do not have 4K pass-through. In practice it has a lot of other applications and implications, but in my experience separating audio signal (it does send video as well, but  lower resolution) from video yealds a touch better sound for concert disks, May be it is a placebo effect, dunno,