Emotiva xpa 2 gen 2 power amp

Looking for this amp ...emotive xpa 2 gen 2. Is as good as all the reviews have at it's price point. Or should buy the gen3 amps that now out. Thanks


Ok, but not even a Totem slam?  Brother, what’s wrong?  Are you not feeling good these days, or did you make a new year’s resolution?  Not to worry, I’ll let you slide, us audiophiles gotta look out for each other.

Using Emotiva XPA 5 Gen3 in my HT setup and am quite happy with it there. Has everything I need for a great experience with both movies and concert videos. Not so sure about if I'd be happy with Emotiva in a 2 channel music setting. SS class D amps have not yet attained the plateau that a class A,A/B are occupying. 
I have to admit that was a descent comeback for once. Musta hurt your little brain. Hahaha. Yes I am getting over the flu so you just wait till I’m top notch again.
Which Odyssey, how old was it and what model Van Alstine?  VA make 
 some pretty expensive amps with much more power...