Shopping at Goodwill anyone?

I check out Goodwill a couple times a month for CD's . the audio equipment is not much to speak of ...until today. I saw this pair of Yamaha NX-E150 bookshelf speakers. All wood thick cabinet, 4.5" coned woofer and 1" tweeter.  I picked them up and they felt pretty substantial by weight.  hum...$6.99 each what do I have to lose.  Got home and set them up , put on my favorite B S and Tears SACD and WOW!  I was blown away...great imaging and soundstage.  They sound 4x as big as they are!   Happy Hunting today!
I buy about half of my work clothes at Goodwill. Just cause I hate new clothes till they are washed about 20 times. I do look over the electronic section of every Goodwill I go to and never saw anything worth squat. Good for you finding a gem.
 BTW Goodwill owner pays himself a million a year so not really no profit.
 If going to donate things might think about Salvation Army. I do however still go into Goodwill on the rare occasion to look for Dockers type shirts and pants. 
BTW, "profit" is what is left after you pay your workers (including yourself), rent, insurance, and keeping your lights on. This makes Goodwill a non-profit company. A million is a lot less than what most CEOs make.
"A million is a lot less than what most CEOs make"

Chump change, really, in today’s asymmetrical world. Maybe that salary is completely justified. Or maybe it is not. I have no idea what average wages are for Goodwill employees but I would wager it’s proportionally much, much lower.