ARC Ref 6 - Is it normal?

I got my ARC Ref 6 two weeks ago, and I use 3 pieces of Nordost Sort Kones BC to bring up my Ref 6 to test the sound.  But when I switch on the power-on button, my Ref 6's display show "Low Line Detected" for almost 20 seconds then it back to normal (Display show "Mute").  Is it normal ?   Will it show this everytime now? THX.

No, I haven't check it and I was not award about this at that time.  I connect all my equipments to an Audience sR6-TSS power conditioner. When I play music last night, it seem everything OK. 
I’ve never seen that issue. A conditioner doesn’t do anything if there’s an issue on the other side of the outlet. 

Low voltage isnt isn’t as bad as too much (a surge). I know that if you run an AC on half power for prolonged periods*, it can damage the unit, but I don’t know about preamps. 

* the 240V wiring to the outdoor compressor was wrong and I had to replace the unit. 
Yes, I find this on Ref 6 user manual page 5. 

When sensing low line voltage, the preamp displays “Low Line” and automatically goes into “Mute”. This condition will persist until the line voltage returns to a safe operating level,. The unit will remain in “Mute” even after “Low Line” no longer appear. 
A conditioner doesn’t do anything if there’s an issue on the other side of the outlet.
That depends on the power conditioner. Some can regulate AC voltage and thus keep it at a proper level even when the line level is low.
The low voltage may be the AC coming into the home.
The powerline may be bad, the power company transformer may be bad.
Are you in a city? or out in the country? Suburban?
After checking the voltage coming in and verifying it is low when it enters your home.. you might call your power company and ask about it being low?
You may need a new local power company transformer, or the wiring outside is being touched by trees etc..
These things should not be charged to you if they need fixing.