Looking for vintage Quad ESL's - or my wife thinks a "shrink" becase she says I'm crazy!

Been out of the hi-fi ’scene’ since the early 80’s. My last system was a pair of Quad ESL-57’s with a Quad 303 amp, Hafler DH101 pre-amp (kit I built) and a Linn LP-12 and Grace tonearm (can’t remember what cartridge I had). I bought all of it for a song back then. The speakers were $300 (nobody knew what they were or what they were worth), I got the LP12 for $500 (salesman accommodation). The power amp and pre-amp were $200 combined. Oh yeah, I worked at a hi-fi store in Chapel Hill NC which explains some of the deals I got. Sold *everything* to pay for a down payment on a trailer as I had just gotten married. Skip 35 years, raised three kids, put them all through college, worked as a software engineer until retiring. Now I want to get back into my original passion. I can’t afford to buy new stuff, the price has gone ballistic. So, I’m beginning again to put together a system to listen to my music on. I still have my Hafler pre-amp which I will use if it still works until I can get something better. I just bought two 125 watt monoblock tube amplifier kits from Bob Latino (www.tubes4hifi.com). I love building things and am very handy with a soldering iron! Also, I always loved the sound of tubes.

Speakers...That’s where I need help. I *really* loved the way my old Quad ESL-57’s sounded. When I was 15 (I’m now 66) my friends dad had stacked Quad ESL-57’s and I swear I’ve NEVER heard anything as good since then! That’s why I’m really wanting to go back to electrostatic speakers. I’ve auditioned some of the Martin Logan stuff at Best Buy. I’m astounded that they are distributed in that chain..I also was flabbergasted that McIntosh was sold there too. Regardless, the salespeople don’t know what to demonstrate let alone setup up quality hifi equipment. They sounded terrible. Even after listening to the ML speakers on several different occasions I concluded I don’t like the way they sound. I still think a proper pair of Quad’s is the way to go. The problem is finding a pair! I’ve discovered Electrostatic Solutions LTD and if I get a decent looking pair intend to have them rebuilt there. I’m guessing after I find a pair and get them refurbished I’ll be spending between $4K and $5K. Unless I find a great deal on a pair that is already up to snuff.

DAC - I never knew what a DAC was until recently but conclude that I need one since I will be listening to music streaming from my iPhone, my Mac Mini etc. I feel really ignorant on what kind of DAC I need. I’ve noticed that some of them can double as a pre-amp too and hook directly up my power amps. That might be good for a temporary solution until I can get a proper preamp. Still, DAC’s can range from $500 - $15K. I have no idea what features I need or whether the low end DAC’s are even worth it.

I really need some suggestions. If I had the money I’d go to an audiophile salon and buy my equipment proper. But I don’t so I have to get the best equipment I can with my limited resources. I’m not exactly poor, but I could never justify to my wife spending $20K on audio equipment. Dang, I looked into getting another Linn Sondek LP12. The price is sky high compared to my ’82 version although there are differences between the basic model I had in 1982 and what they’re producing now. Still...I may need to wait on a turntable until I get speakers and a DAC.

I feel overcome with choices! New gear, used gear, electrostatic speakers, conventional speakers... Maybe my wife is right. I need some Valium and a good shrink!!

Mark in Big Stone Gap VA

A modest and cost-effective proposal:  Magnepan .7's.

Reliability issues? Zero. Made in America?  Yes. Great and easily accessible customer service?  Yes.

I power mine with excellent mono tube amps.  Perfect? Of course not. ROI? Considerable.  A cure for audio nervosa? Definitely a contender.

Mark: Stick to your guns regarding the 57s.  Several posters have correctly defined the truth and magic possessed by these speakers, and your recollection is also spot on.  They are wonderful stock but in many ways enhanced by the updaters, particularly Quads Unlimited.  I bought my pair through QS&D in Virginia many years ago, who were some of the earliest to mod these speakers.  They are fed through 1 M Highwire cables by LA Audio SETs with two 300Bs per side making about 15 delicious watts.  I later added a single REL Stadium Woofer which can be precisely dialed in as to crossover and levels to provide a subtle bass foundation that takes nothing away from the midrange and treble excellence of the Quads.  The only electrostat that I have found even close to the 57s was the original Acoustat Monitor 4 that possessed truly great electrostatic bass (particularly after the amps were updated by Joe Curcio) but was slightly less transparent in the midrange.  BTW those amps were tube OTLs used only for the 3 and 4 panel Acoustats, and I do not recall employed much if any negative feedback.  ML's best speaker, the CLS in various forms is very expensive and could not best the 57s in my estimation.  Long live vintage audio!
The quad speakers are almost unpossible to mach with any sub. Yes I agree with others ‘57 is best sounding quad speakers especially runing with 405 not 303. 405s current dumping is exceptional! Thats why I recommend Maggies. .7 if you dont have space or 1.7. Or 3.7 if you can... .

One of the most impressive speaker sets ups I’ve owned were the Quad ESL63s with Gradient subwoofers, which were dipole pattern subs made by Gradient specifically for the 63s. Visually, the mated seamlessly. Sonically, they were the only mating of a subwoofer/electrostatic speaker I’ve ever heard that was virtually seamless.

That was essentially the benchmark of boxless transparency, realism and quality of midrange information, I’ve been trying to keep up to ever since, but in dynamic speakers (because I like the extra body of dynamic speakers).  They created a huge wall of transparent sound - very full in the midrange. 

Though my pal, who I bought the 63s from, went for 57s after that and it was sitting down in front of the 57s that made me understand their appeal. Trelja put it well:

"For me, the originals and solely the originals have that true to life timbre / tonality, clarity, speed, lively and engaging demeanor / sparkle,"

That’s what I hear with the 57s, a more golden, beautiful tone that is just to die for. I’d find myself envying my friend’s 57s on that count.

I actually prefer the tone/timbral nature of the 57s and a number of dynamic speakers to the 63s, which is one reason I moved on from them. But boy were they a nice place to visit, and spoiled me for a long time!  (My next speakers were Von Schweikert VR4 Gen2 speakers which were at the time about the only (remotely affordable) dynamic speakers that actually presented a sound like I heard with my Quad set up - giant, boxless, but absolutely full and rich in the midrange, but went deeper in the bass.  Loved them, but moved on to other speakers whose tone called to me...)
Quad owners (actually, owners of ANY planar speaker) who want to add subs that blend invisibly are missing the boat if they ignore the GR Research/Rythmik OB/Dipole Sub. The design is very similar in concept to the Gradient prof mentions directly above, but much better executed, with superior woofers, H-frame enclosures, and power amplifiers that incorporate the Rythmik Servo-Feedback system. The amp also includes a shelving circuit to offset the front-to-back cancellation inherent in all ob/dipole speakers. To see what the sub looks like, check out Audiogon member kennythekey’s virtual system.